Madrid – Gran Vía大道




西班牙文化丰富,历史悠久,吸引着热爱伊比利亚传统的中国游客。再加上这里得天独厚的自然旅游资源、传统美食和上乘购物体验,都大大吸引了来自中国的游客。近年来, 选择前往西班牙的中国游客大幅增长。这次新的广告宣传旨在刺激世界各地的游客前往西班牙,爱上这个充满热情的国家。


Ronda – 新桥






Madrid – 皇宫


职业高尔夫球选手塞尔希奥-加西亚主要参加PGA美国巡回赛和欧洲巡回赛。他经常能处在世界排名前10位的职业高尔夫选手的位置。他目前已经获得了7个PGA巡回赛的冠军。他邀请每一个热爱高尔夫球的人来西班牙打球,因为这里的气候十分宜人。他选择在位于San Roque(加迪斯)的Valderrama高尔夫球俱乐部打球,这是有西班牙全国最好的高尔夫球课程。他也推荐人们参观他的家乡Castellón的海滨小镇Peñíscola。这是西班牙最美丽的中世纪小镇之一,你可以看到美丽的Papa Luna城堡,这里曾是《权利的游戏》的取景地。


Ronda – 新桥


西班牙著名模特、演员和电影制片人埃尔莎-帕塔奇,因在《速度与激情5》、《速度与激情6》和《速度与激情7》及《速度与激情8》中饰演艾琳娜·内维斯一角而知名。她与我们分享了Cap de Formentor的令人惊叹的美景。在其他的视频里她也分享了两项爱好:在巴塞罗那的Born区购物,以及在马德里的露台上一边欣赏城市夜景、一边享受夜生活。


Trujillo – 马约尔广场




Madrid – San Miguel市场


我们采访了 卡罗列娜·马琳,一起来看看她的分享吧。



  1. What was the biggest feeling at winning the China Badminton Open this time?  

Winning in China it’s been an incredible feeling. I’ve never won any tittle in this country and in the last months I’ve won the World Championships and the China Open. Both are so special because the World Championships is the best tournament that you can win (without including the Oympics), but also the China Open is one of the most important tournament of the year. 


  1. What preparations would you make when facing an unknown opponent in the match? How would you discover your opponent’s way of playing?   

For me is not usual to play against an unknown opponent, but there are many of them against whom I’ve not played for a long time. Anyway, my team analyzes every opponent and we prepare the match to take advantage from her weak points .


  1. What qualities do you need to be a good badminton player?   

You have to work so hard, technically and physically. Badminton demands you to be in top shape: it requires to be fast, strong, flexible… And also you must be focus on every point of the game.


  1. How do you usually train? Do you learn from athletes from different countries? 

We work on every area that I’ve just mentioned. Furthermore, my coach usually innovates on our training sessions to improve my game.


  1. How would you describe your country? And your hometown? What do miss the most from Spain?

I love Spain. I must be far from home to much time and that’s how I realise all the good things that we have in our country. And the same situation happens to me with Huelva, my hometown. I miss it a lot: my family, my friends, my dogs… It’s the consecuence of playing badminton, what makes me the happiest. And also that’s why I love to be with them and enjoy to the fullest.