On our last day of school, a medal haul arrived for our Grade 9 Gold medal, first place winning team in the prestigious IVEY Business Competition, and the Grade 10 Bronze winning team.

假期前最后一天,IVEY 商赛赛场上传来频频捷报。CISH参赛学生收获了九年级金奖、IVEY 商赛团队第一和十年级团队铜奖

Medals arrived one day after the Awards ceremony! But the boys were delighted and thrilled at their success. Benny, Eric and Bowen (grade 9) have now decided to enter a very tough competition in November online organised by Harvard University- details to follow next term!

颁奖仪式后所有奖杯已送达到校!同学们难掩激动又紧张的心情。九年级的Benny, Eric和Bowen将参加由哈佛大学于11月举办的线上竞赛。赛程详情后续会发布!

Grade 9
Gold Medal Winners (left to right) Benny, Eric and Bowen who also won the prize for Innovation.


The Grade 10 team, winning Bronze with (left to right) Matheus, Jackson, Jace and Andy.

This team also won a Global Citizenship Award and a Leadership Award.

获铜奖的 10 年级代表队成员(从左到右)有:Matheus、Jackson、Jace 和 Andy。
该队还获得了 “全球公民奖 “和 “领导力奖”。

The event was held in June at CISH’s sister school in Shenzhen and our CISH students participated online due to the exam timetable.



