Early Years Highlights


Polly Coronel and Kirsten Hernandez

This week, students had a great time exploring their new classroom, discovering all the fun activities and toys we have. It was a joy to see their smiles and excitement as they settled into this new adventure. We practiced our classroom routines, focusing on tidying up and organizing toys. The students were fully engaged, following along with the motions and learning the basics of good dental care. They are also beginning to explore the concept of sharing by handing toys to their classmates reinforcing the importance of kindness and cooperation. In addition, students started learning to put their backpacks in their own cubbies. This routine helps foster independence and builds confidence as they learn to take responsibility for their belongings. Pre-Ks will keep practicing, making this a fun and rewarding habit !


Erin Wang and Zoe Oconnor

This week, we focused on building routine awareness and practicing fine motor skills. In our first Inquiry unit, “Who We Are,” we explored body parts, naming them and dancing to the “Head and Shoulders” song and finger games, which effectively engaged students with the theme. In symbolic exploration, along with our morning stations, we started learning about the number 1. The “One Little Finger” song and a number scavenger hunt were big hits. In literacy, we introduced the letter S through the story “Mr. Snake’s Slippery Slide,” and we’ll be role-playing it next week!




Mika Allicer, Sue MacDonald and Jess Macur

This week, our classroom activities focused on building community and enhancing self-awareness through three main tasks: creating a Classroom Essential Agreement, learning the Zones of Regulation, and crafting self-portraits. Students collaborated to discuss and set guidelines for appropriate behavior in the classroom. Through brainstorming sessions, we explored their needs and responsibilities, culminating in a collective Essential Agreement that fosters a respectful and supportive environment. Additionally, students were introduced to the Zones of Regulation, a framework designed to assist them in identifying and managing their emotions. Engaging in discussions and interactive games, students learned to recognize their feelings and determine their emotional zone—blue, green, yellow, or red. This activity promoted emotional awareness and self-regulation skills, equipping students with strategies to cope in various situations. These activities have been instrumental in developing a strong sense of community within our classroom and have encouraged emotional intelligence and personal growth. Moving forward, we will continue to reinforce these concepts to enhance our understanding and interactions.



Dean Fletes, Katie Reddington and Wouter van den Berg

What a great week 2! The focus was on building a strong sense of community as students engaged in activities centered around learning each other’s names and forming connections. These activities not only helped everyone feel more comfortable but also set a positive tone for the year ahead. In addition to getting to know each other, we introduced and practiced the routines that will guide our daily learning. Overall, it was a successful week, laying a solid foundation for a year full of growth and collaboration.


EY German Class

K1 (Yani Wang)

This week in our K1 German class, the focus was on learning about body parts. We started by reviewing picture cards to familiarize the students with the German terms for various body parts. Next, we sang the song “Meine Haende sind verschwunden,” which helped the children understand the specific locations of different body parts. The students explored the positions of their facial features by observing themselves in mirrors and then drawing their facial features on paper. Additionally, we had the children lie on the floor individually while we used Legos to outline the shape of a human body around them.

We also enjoyed the German story “The Little Rabbit Comes to Take a Bath” this week. As the story was read, the students interacted by assisting the teacher in helping the little rabbit perform tasks like washing its hair, drying off, and applying facial cream.


K2 (Yani Wang)

This week in K2 German class, we explored the topic offamily. We began by learning the German terms for family members. Then, wediscussed how these relatives are connected; for example, ‘Großvater’ is thefather’s father, ‘Tante’ is a parent’s sister, and together, ‘Mutter’ and’Vater’ are referred to as ‘Eltern’. We also enjoyed the German song “Ichbin ich und du bist du,” which helped clarify family relationships and thedistinct roles each member plays. To understand more complex terms like’Stiefmutter’, we read the German picture book “Snow White”. Thisweek’s activities included a craft project where students constructed cardboardhouses and illustrated their familly members living in these homes.

K3 (Yani Wang)

This week’s K3 German class focused on emotions. Webegan by having students list common emotions experienced daily, such ashappiness, sadness, anger, and fatigue. The teacher then introduced lessfamiliar emotions like shyness, nausea, and confusion. In addition to learningthe German terms for these feelings, students related them to personalexperiences to understand their causes. For instance, one student mentionedfeeling happy because of a close friend, while another expressed surprise uponlearning about the upcoming Christmas. On the whiteboard, students depictedfacial expressions associated with various emotions. We also engaged in gameswhere students mimicked these expressions, helping them deeply understand therange of emotions.